My Tribe

My Tribe registration is now available for 2018 – 2019

Register for My Tribe

My Tribe Donation

August 28, 2018 – May 7, 2019
(Tuesday mornings at 9:15 AM)

When you look at all that is happening in your life, and the world around you, have you ever wondered… “Where is MY group of friends who are truly my people? The ones who have time for me, the ones who understand me, the ones who think the best of me on my worst day? Where are the women who see me, hear me and love me as I am. But even more importantly, where are the women who will help me see myself as God sees me?”

Have you ever felt a longing in your heart to be fully seen, fully known, and fully loved by a community of friends who stand with you no matter what?

Have you ever wished you could be mentored in your faith by other women who actually know you, know your situation and love and support you personally? Have you ever looked around your life and wondered…”Where is MY TRIBE?”

If you have ever asked these questions, then I would like to invite you to join an incredible group of women who feel exactly the same way! Under the leadership of Kristin Stauffer (with the partnership of Angela Bender and Desert Outpouring Church) there is team of women who want what you want!

And they have decided to create a place just for you Shaleen Kendrick, Lindsay Beeker, Emily Frazier, Kellie Lord, Niki May, Samantha Chipperfield, Rachel Steele, Aimee Soltau, Patty Coleman, Elisha Santiago, Lisa Langaker, Lindsay Bailey, Colleen Ward, and many other amazing women have come together to create a place of deeper community and accelerated growth in your faith.

So here is the bottom line: You are invited to make MY TRIBE your tribe and see how great (joyful, fun, outrageous, victorious) life can be when women adventure together with God!

Core Values of MY TRIBE

  • A place to BELONG, to be SEEN, KNOWN and LOVED
  • A place to LEARN from people who have personally experienced what they are teaching
  • A place to BE ENCOURAGED in our every-day life and in our faith
  • A place to CELEBRATE each other and our strengths
  • A place to EXPERIENCE God’s goodness and the goodness of each other
  • A place to ENJOY a CULTURE OF HONOR where loving does not mean fixing
  • A place to have the FREEDOM to express our unique perspective and ideas
  • A place to GROW in our intimacy with God
  • A place to DISCOVER and PRACTICE our unique, God given identity

To request a scholarship, please email with a brief description of your request including any childcare needs with names and ages.